Enrichment Talks

Terri O’Hara enjoys sharing the wisdom from the animals that she has learned in over 25 years of communication sessions and live events. These talks offer an opportunity for you to hear her knowledge and savor her stories – all gained from animal teachers of many species. These recorded live talks range from 1-2 hours in length.

Top Tips To Amp-Up Cat & Dog Nutrition

Nutrition is key for your animal companions to be healthy. Many pet foods on the market have flaws and can contribute to health issues. This talk will empower you to easily improve nutrition that will increase your animals’ quality of life. The purchase includes follow-up materials with a detailed outline, additional information and several resource links.

  • Learn how to understand pet food labels to become a smart consumer.
  • Discover simple ways to upgrade the nutritional quality of your dog/cat’s diet.
  • Design easy ways to slowly and safely make changes.
  • Hear tricks to get the kitties and pups to actually EAT the food.

Purchase for $39

A Personal Reset – Allowing your Animals To Help You

During this talk Terri will teach you the importance of receiving love from your animals. Too often, your animal companions feel you do not allow them to support YOU. They have important ways they wish to share their love. Shift your connections and learn to let in the love.

  • Hear of the meaning of an animal’s purpose.
  • Discover how your animals can help you in life.
  • Learn to create balance of care for them and for you.
  • Explore ways to deepen relationships with your beloved companions.
  • Embark upon new possibilities!

Purchase for $39

Dogs Will Be Dogs – And Then What?

Sit back and learn how to build upon the beautiful love you share with your dog and how that will help improve behaviors. This talk is perfect for your challenging rescue dog, your energetic puppy, as well as your long-time doggie companion. It’s never too late to improve.

  • Understand your dog’s motivations.
  • Gain clarity about your dog’s behaviors.
  • Learn ways to improve communication with your dog.
  • Explore how you can increase fun and joy with your dog.

Purchase for $39

Expanding Your Heart and Mind – Preparing for the Inevitable

No one likes to face the fact that our beloved companions will leave their bodies someday. However, avoiding the topic can lead to fear and confusion. This can affect the experience when the time comes. During this talk, wisdom is shared to provide you with necessary information that instills emotional strength. Allow us to help empower you to create a beautiful end of life journey for your treasured animal family members.

  • Hear what animals want you to know about end-of-life.
  • Understand the dying process from animals’ perspectives.
  • Learn to honor the journey and deepen the relationship.
  • Messages from animals to help you feel brave enough to face it all.

Purchase for $21

A Year In Reflection – Life During a Pandemic

  • Hear stories and wisdom from animals’ perspectives.
  • Understand how animals have supported people throughout the pandemic.
  • Learn why now, more than ever, animals are speaking out and want you to listen.

Purchase for $21

Animal Communication Classes

Terri O’Hara loves inspiring people to open up to all possibilities, with each class designed for just that purpose. She traveled for many years teaching classes in various locations. Now, she has designed animal communication classes to reach a broad span of locations by conducting courses by teleconference. 

Courses are now available for purchase as recordings.
(*To enhance the learning experience, classes must be taken in succession whether via live or recorded.)

Animal Communication, An Integral Understanding, Part One

  • Explore the background of animal communication
  • Learn what the process includes for humans and animals to communicate
  • Experience the animals’ view points on humans
  • Receive tips to receive communications from animals
  • Enjoy wisdom from animals helping you along

Purchase for $60

Animal Communication, The Journey To Listening, Part Two

  • Receive guidance on what you need to do to begin to hear animals
  • Practice communication exercises that enhance your listening
  • Learn how animals listen to you
  • Begin to shift your mindset about communicating

Purchase for $60

Animal Communication, Heart to Heart Connecting, Part Three

  • Learn the art of leaving your head
  • Join the present moment and find the animals with your senses
  • Welcome in help from all around
  • Connect, listen and speak with animals

Purchase for $60

Purchase The Entire Series for $150

Add all the products above to your cart and you’ll receive an automatic $30 discount.

Living, Loving, Leaving: A Three-Part Journey Enhancing Life With Your Animals

$99 for the recording

This teleconference was recorded and can be downloaded and enjoyed at your convenience.

My beautiful kitty, Merlin, was a magnificent teacher about living. From embracing a new kitten sister, to helping me relocate to Oregon, to preparing for his early departure, Merlin was always there with gentleness and the spirit of a sage. This course honors Merlin and the many animals that I’ve talked to, as I bring their wisdom forward to all of you.

The animals are such eloquent beings when it comes to living. From joy to challenging situations, they learn. By being in the moment, they thrive. And, by embracing their final stages of life they prove to be superior to people in so many ways.

Yes, some of this can be tough to talk about, but it is time. The animals want to help you through all of the challenges and opportunities that come with loving animals as family members. Teachings will include kindness, support, and privacy to guide as you participate. No matter what stage of life experiences your animals are going through, or if they’ve departed, this class was designed to help you.

To purchase, click the button below. We will email you a link to the teleconference once payment is received/verified.

Topics Include:

  • Understanding the animals perspectives
  • Behaviors – why and what to do about them
  • Habits, quirks, and confusing activities
  • How they love you – from their voices
  • What can you do to provide the best life possible
  • Happiness factor… meeting their needs and YOURS
  • How the animals are helping humans cope
  • Talking about the inevitable, being brave
  • Preparing for the impending transition
  • The dying process from diagnosis to transition
  • Death with ease and grace, your role defined
  • Returning to spirit form and beyond

What participants shared about Living, Loving, Leaving course:

“I found the telecourse very enlightening!! I had not realized that animals are so closely connected with us – have an amazing amount of wisdom to share and so, so much love to give!! It completely changed my relationship with my cats – it is now much closer and more honest!! I learned to stay in my heart instead of my head because that’s where the animals can reach me. Terri shared her deep understanding of where the animals are coming from and what they are feeling!! Every session brought happy, unexpected surprises!!”
– Susan

“Terri’s telecourse gave me such an insight into our furry family members’ world. One of the things I liked and appreciated most about the course was the awareness it gave me of how the things I’m doing and feeling can affect them. I loved her suggestions on the changes I can make not only to better their lives but our lives together. I would highly recommend this course to anyone with animals as part of their family.”
– Stephanie

Listen to Free Podcasts

Enjoy these helpful podcasts from Terri for free! Click an option below to listen to the full podcast.

Understanding the World of Dogs

Learn about life from the dog’s perspective. Why do they sniff so much? How do they perceive humans? What does it mean when they stare at you? And more!

Understanding the World of Smaller Critters

Learn about the unique perspectives of other animals such as rabbits, hedgehogs, guinea pigs, rats, turtles and more. Begin to journey into their world via their eyes in order to have a better relationship with them. Why do they do what they do? Guest co-presenters: Bev Endsley, Rabbit Lover and Brenda Sandoval, Hedgehog Lover.

Enhancing Your Cat's Nutrition for Better Health

What is best for your cat to eat? How do you get your cat to eat healthy? This brief talk will provide simple and easy steps to improve the quality of nutrition for your cat’s body and mind. Guest co-presenter: Dr. Laura DeLoatch.

Understanding the World of Cats

Learn about life from the cat’s perspective. Why do they walk away from you when you are connecting with them? What is it like to spend life living inside a house? How can you help them not be bored?

Improving Animals' Lives

This talk will address many of the requests that animals make of their human companions to get the best out of their lives. Learn to enjoy life more through the guidance of animals in your care. Tips on the small things you can do for improved quality of life.

Helping Your Elder Animals

Explore the options for keeping your aging animal companions comfortable. Build your veterinary medical support team. Increase your knowledge about death and dying to provide a loving, quality life to the very end.

Understanding the World of Horses

Learn about life from the horse’s perspective. How do they perceive you? What is it like to have a human riding them? Is there a reason they misbehave during training or a show? Guest co-presenter: Pam Baca, Animal Communicator & Horse Lover.

Enhancing Your Dog's Nutrition for Better Health

What food should you feed your dog? This brief talk will provide simple and easy steps to improve the quality of nutrition for your dog’s body and mind. Guest co-presenter: Dr. Holly Foster.

Household Harmony with Various Animals

Have you added a new family member? Have you merged two families? Do you wonder why everyone isn’t getting along? Learn how changes in the household feel to the animals you love and get tips to make it comfortable for each member of the family.

Animalwize Newsletters

Terri provides complimentary newsletters with animal wellness information, animal resources and products, and details on classes and events. You can access all past newsletters in this archive. To be included in receiving future newsletters, fill out the form to join the email list.

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“During a class, Terri connected with our animals by photos. She looked at my photo of a female boxer I was fostering and quickly announced that a male dog was barging in to talk instead. Terri did not know I had a male dog at home named Bosworth. He was adamantly saying I was not honoring our agreement. I was BLOWN AWAY- indeed we did have an agreement. I fostered many dogs and told him to show me certain signs when he wanted a specific dog to join our family. He had been showing me many signs about this foster girl, but I didn’t listen. My dilemma was I felt I should keep fostering to save as many dogs as I could. In that moment I knew he was right. I was filled with happy tears and announced I would adopt sweet Buttercup. Best friends and companions for life”!”
Holly W.

Call Terri

Monday - Friday, 10:00 - 6:00pm PST

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 5722, Eugene, OR 97405

We Understand

We know that when you decide to reach out for an animal communication session, you feel ready. Whether your situation is serious or you just want the fun experience of talking with your animals, we prioritize you and schedule you as soon as possible. We look forward to helping you meet your needs with the animals you love.

Contact Animalwize by Email

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Call Terri

Monday - Friday, 10:00 - 6:00pm PST

Mailing Address

P.O. Box 5722, Eugene, OR 97405

We Understand

We know that when you decide to reach out for an animal communication session, you feel ready. Whether your situation is serious or you just want the fun experience of talking with your animals, we prioritize you and schedule you as soon as possible. We look forward to helping you meet your needs with the animals you love.

Contact Animalwize by Email

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