Terri’s Story
Terri never intended to be an animal communicator (or pet psychic, horse whisperer, or animal therapist). She pursued the usual path of college after high school, earning a B.S. in Health Sciences. Terri enjoyed helping people and at age 28 she had a job she loved as Director of Education with a non-profit organization.
Terri believed she was making her dreams come true, until her path took a sharp turn.
It was a devastating year: Terri lost both of her parents within months. She was deep in grief, trying to make sense of the difficult loss when another blow fell. Keeza, her best friend and canine companion of 13 years was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Terri struggled with the news. A friend suggested talking to an animal communicator to learn Keeza’s wishes for his final days. Terri had never heard of animal communication before, but she was willing to try anything if it helped Keeza. After tracking down a highly recommended animal communicator, Terri scheduled her first appointment and learned what Keeza had to say. As the animal communication session unfolded, Terri was startled when she realized she somehow already knew the information the animal communicator was giving her on behalf of Keeza. She had heard Keeza’s messages through her heart connection to him.
Terri asked Keeza to please give her a year before leaving. She knew it was a big request, but she couldn’t fathom a third death in one year. Keeza’s health improved and they had a beautiful year together. Then, one year later to the very weekend of her mother’s passing, Keeza quietly laid his head down and sighed a final breath. His gentle passing was peaceful; with deep love and appreciation, Terri made a promise to Keeza that she would never stop listening to the animals again.

Terri has always understood animals in a unique way
As a child, she had a special relationship with her cat, Benji. They were inseparable except for the times he would wander off as tomcats do. Each time he went missing her family would grow concerned. But Terri seemed to know where he was during his neighborhood rambles. Benji sent her many images of what he could see around him along with detailed sensations of what he was experiencing. In receipt of his messages, she could confidently announce details of his imminent return.
Benji taught Terri that animals communicate whether they are nearby or far away.
One time he’d been gone for a few days and the family was worried, but Terri informed them he would be back when the snow was falling. She had seen an image of him sitting outside of her second story bedroom window. His shiny black fur looked soggy and a cap of snow was on his head. Everyone believed it was unlikely Benji would climb a snow-filled tree to access her windowsill when he could simply go to the back door. Sure enough, Benji turned up, wet and cold three days later. In the middle of the night, Terri awakened to snowfall and Benji meowing at her window.
Of course, to a child, this felt perfectly normal; Terri thought everyone could talk to animals. When she shared her intuitions, her family smiled and appreciated her “creative imagination” with amazing accuracy. Throughout her childhood, Terri enjoyed all animals—domestic and wildlife. She respected animals, helped the wounded, assisted strays, and talked to all species in a sensitive and caring manner.
However, as Terri got older she noticed her friends didn’t have conversations with their pets. She felt different than her peers. In her teen years, she wanted to fit in and feared it was too weird to let on that she could understand what animals were thinking. Confused and embarrassed, she stopped listening to animals, eventually even forgetting she had the ability.
Memories returned of the many ways Terri communicated with Benji as a little girl. She remembered how she could hear animals. And, now she knew at least one other person who could hear them as well. Soon afterward she learned there was a growing profession of animal communicators.
Terri was intrigued. She took classes from the animal communicator who helped her through Keeza’s last year. Terri began practicing with friends’ pets, but still had no intentions of starting her own business; she already had a professional job that she loved. Bit by bit, however, word got out about Terri’s abilities and soon friends of friends were asking her to talk to their pets. Strangers were calling her for help, trusting her skills, offering payment. Terri was hesitant and nervous, still feeling some of that teenage angst about being different.
Then the day came that Terri met Hans, a 120-pound German Shepherd, who changed her life forever.
Hans told Terri he could not navigate stairs because two of his toes had been amputated. He feared he would buckle and fall on his face, though his legs were working fine. Terri explained to him that he had cancer but it was gone. She assured him that he could walk normally and was strong and able. Terri sent him images of going up and down stairs. Immediately following the animal communication session, Hans ran up 30 stairs. His person, Sandra, shouted “I love you” and gave Terri a big hug. Sandra said she worked with many people in animal rescue and would be telling everyone about this magnificent success. The time had come for Terri to acknowledge her abilities and accept her accuracy. Her inexplicable journey of talking to animals took off.
On many occasions, Terri’s dog Jake told her she would be talking to animals and offering her services as an animal communicator on many levels. But, she didn’t understand the depth of his wisdom. After a few years of offering animal communication sessions, Jake announced it was time to begin teaching others how to listen to animals. Although Terri loves to teach, she wasn’t sure Jake was right. Really? Teach others, when she herself wasn’t certain how she did it? And charge people, too? Jake insisted and persisted, so Terri offered her first class in 1998, an introductory class called “Animal Chat.” It proved to be popular and her students wanted more. Terri created a second level class, “Animals as Teachers,” and an advanced class called “Animals and Humans – The Journey.”

Soon after Terri O’Hara began teaching classes, her dog Jake told her she should offer retreats for her students.
Next, Jake announced she would offer year-long apprenticeships to train new animal communicators. Every time Jake nudged her to do something new, Terri sighed and said REALLY? Sometimes she resisted. But Jake was a match for Terri’s tenacity and it turns out he was always right.
Eventually, Terri realized her life had become all about animal communication; she was offering animal communication sessions Mondays through Fridays and teaching classes on the weekends. She stepped away from her profession as a Health Educator and launched Animalwize, LLC.
Animalwize flourished, all through word-of-mouth promotion from grateful clients. Terri O’Hara says, “it is so heartwarming to work with deeply caring, loving people and to witness the benefits that result from good communication.” Her heart is full of gratitude for each and every conversation.

Terri B.
Call Terri
Monday - Friday, 10:00 - 6:00pm PST
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 5722, Eugene, OR 97405
We Understand
We know that when you decide to reach out for an animal communication session, you feel ready. Whether your situation is serious or you just want the fun experience of talking with your animals, we prioritize you and schedule you as soon as possible. We look forward to helping you meet your needs with the animals you love.
Contact Animalwize by Email
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Call Terri
Monday - Friday, 10:00 - 6:00pm PST
Mailing Address
P.O. Box 5722, Eugene, OR 97405
We Understand
We know that when you decide to reach out for an animal communication session, you feel ready. Whether your situation is serious or you just want the fun experience of talking with your animals, we prioritize you and schedule you as soon as possible. We look forward to helping you meet your needs with the animals you love.
Contact Animalwize by Email